How Do You Know If You Have a Squirrel in Your Attic?

Squirrels don’t usually cause a problem unless their population becomes too large that they start to invade homes. Their favorite place to next inside the home is the attic. Immediate action must be taken or else they can bring serious consequences that include health-related issues and damage to property. Below are some of the indicators that you have a squirrel in your attic.


The urine of the squirrel will become more noticeable over time. When the foul smell starts to emanate from somewhere in the house, it can be a sign that there’s a dead squirrel inside your property. You should check your attic or the area where the smell is coming from right away before it spread all over your house.


It is easy to spot squirrel nests because they are big. They are also made out of various materials that include bits of bark, leaves, twigs, moss, vines, and shredded materials found inside the house.


Squirrels are day creatures. They are more active during the day and spend the night sleeping in their nest. You might hear noises in the morning and at dusk. Because squirrels are large rodents, you can hear scampering sounds from the attic that are louder compared to the sound made by mice and rats.


One way to determine if you have a squirrel in your attic is to put a piece of cardboard on the floor with some flour. You should place the cardboard in an area where you suspect squirrels are hiding. When squirrels run over the cardboard, their paws will make tracks. All you need to do is follow the flour marks on the floor. You’ll know that it is a squirrel if the rear paws have five toes, and the front ones have four toes.


It is hard to differentiate the different rodent droppings, especially if you have not trained for it. The best way to describe a squirrel poop is that it is oblong in shape and has rounded ends. It is around the size of a raisin. Fresh droppings are dark brown in color, and they get lighter over time. If you see light colored droppings, then the squirrel might not be inside the attic anymore.

Entry Points

Squirrels love to chew. They can easily make holes to get inside your attic. If you found a squirrel in the attic, then you should find how it got there. Small holes can act as entry points for the rodents. They can also leap into the house if there are tree branches nearby. Chimneys and roofs are also common entry points for squirrels. The rodents are great climbers, and they can easily climb up to the attic even if you don’t have trees in your yard.

These are the signs you need to look out for if you want to know if you have a squirrel in your attic. Once you are sure you have a rodent problem, contact a wildlife removal service provider. That way you can prevent the squirrel from damaging your home and cause problems in the attic.

Read the How to get rid of squirrels page for helpful information and to learn more about How Do You Know If You Have a Squirrel in Your Attic?

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