Armadillo Repellent

Are you plagued with armadillos burrowing in your yard, garden, or under your house? Many people try a variety of repellents that are available on the market in an attempt to remove them. There are also a number of homemade remedies that a person can mix up to spray, sprinkle, or scatter around the yard and garden to try to discourage armadillos from foraging on your property. Here are some of the types of repellents that people have tried.

Moth Balls & Bleach
One popular armadillo repellent used is naphthalene, better known as mothballs or flakes. The theory is that the odor of the mothballs is offensive to the armadillo, so it will go away. The mothballs are poured down the armadillo's burrow to try to discourage it from living under your lawn. Some people have tried pouring bleach down the burrow, too. The trouble is, these methods don't work. The armadillo will just move the mothballs out of its path and go on its merry way or walk around them all together. Neither of these products are very environmentally safe to use on the ground and can cause health problems to other animals in the areas such as the family pet.

Coyote or Other Predator Urine
Another idea is to sprinkle predator urine, either liquid or powder around your property. Coyote urine is one product that is often used. Or it may be anything from wolf to bobcat. The urine from any animal that is perceived to be a predator can be used. The idea is that when the armadillo smells the urine, it will leave in fear of the predator. The only thing is, according to some authorities, armadillos have no natural predators. So this may be another repellent that doesn't work. Using predator urine may also confuse and frighten your pets, so use it with caution, if at all. On the other hand, there are those testifying to the efficacy of the urine repellent.

Castor Oil
This natural product thought to act as an armadillo repellent is poured on the ground in the hope that it will make the soil and bugs taste bad. It will also make the dirt unpleasant to dig in. The upside to this product is it will keep away the grubs from your yard. It won't do a lot for deterring the armadillos, though.

Other Repellents
Some products on the market contain various combinations of castor oil, sodium lauryl sulfate, red pepper, yellow grease, and/or limestone, some of which is supposed to make the armadillo's stomach queasy when ingested. Other products contain a mixture of plant oils such as thyme, rosemary, citronella, and garlic oils, that are supposedly offensive to armadillos and other pests. Other things that are said to help discourage armadillos from making your yard their home include: liquid detergent, cayenne pepper mixed with sand, and ammonia mixed with Murphy's Oil Soap.

When these repellents are sprayed on the ground and vegetation that is their food source, it spoils the flavor and texture of the dirt and bugs. Many of these repellents are guaranteed to work. However, other sources say there is no repellent that truly works. You may need to do some experimenting. If you try any of these products, take care that you protect your household pets or farm animals from them.

High-pitch Sound Machine
There are several variations of this device on the market. They emit a frequency range of 5,000–25,000 Hz, which is purported to be annoying to animals. The ultrasonic sound is inaudible to humans, but hard on the ears of animals. A built-in sensor activates the machine when an animal passes by. They are weather-resistant and battery operated. The drawback to these machines is that they will also target your dog, cat, or other pet, upsetting them also.

The Bottom Line
The repellents don't have a high rate of success but you can't live with the armadillos tearing up your yard, killing your plants, undermining your foundation, destroying tree roots, and causing your dog to bark half the night. You may have tried the predator urine spray or powder, the ultrasonic machines, the mothballs, the bleach, the various oils, and the many spray repellent products, both commercial and homemade, and still have armadillos. What else can you do to rid your yard and garden of these nuisance creatures?

After doing all the research, weighing the pros and cons of the information available, what is your best bet? You can try these repellents, however excluding the armadillos from your yard with secure fencing is easier. Keep rubbish cleaned up so they aren't attracted to the area and keep brush cleaned away. If you end up with armadillos, capture and relocation or a wildlife expert is likely your best bet.

Read the How to get rid of armadillos page for helpful information and to learn more about Armadillo Repellent

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