Diseases caused by rat’s urine

Wild rats are filthy creatures that bring plague and pestilence in to your home-literally. Rats spread a number of diseases that are transferred through a possible rat bite or scratch. You can also be infected by breathing in airborne particles of their rotting feces or flesh. They parasites that rats carry can bite you and infect you with “rat-borne” diseases as well. One of the most dangerous and lethal rat diseases is passed on through the rat’s urine.

Rat urine is the medium for spreading of leptospirosis. Although many times the infested person will experience symptoms so mild that they do not even go to the doctor, you can develop problems that prove to be fatal. Persons that live with rat infestations can be infected repeatedly as well. A mild case will leave its victim with chills, fever, stomach upsets, and possible diarrhea. It is often mistaken for the flu. Leptospsirosis can become a serious infection that can result in (possibly permanent) liver and kidney damage.

Cardiovascular problems have also been reported in more serious cases of this disease. This disease is called a biphasic disease that starts mild enough. Incubation period for this disease is 7-12. After this time you will enter the first phase of the illness. When in phase one – the septic phase- You will experience chills fever etc that will last for 3-7 days. With many cases it stops here. In 3 or 4 days you may enter the second phase of illness. In this phase you will experience another bout of fever, and it is usually accompanied by renal complications and liver failure. A characteristic of this phase is meningitis. In this disease the membrane covering the brain swells. Encephalitis and infection of the brain is also possible in phase two.

Leptospirosis is spread through contact with the urine of an infected animal. That urine is contagious as long as it is still moist. Most commonly, a rat urinates in or around foodstuffs and a person is unwittingly exposed to it. It can also be contracted if you are cleaning up after rats and do not wear proper gear. Although the bacterium Leptospira has been found in other creatures as well as reptiles and birds, Rats, mice, and moles are primary hosts of this serious disease. Only mammals can infect humans and other animals, and this is why it is so important to follow proper procedures when dealing with rats. If you feel that a rat has contaminated any foodstuffs in your kitchen or pantry, destroy it. If rats have access to your shelves or counters, disinfect them often. Never clean up a “mess “left by rats with your bare hands! Wear gloves, a mask, and goggles when cleaning up rat droppings, carcasses, or clearing nest areas.

Read the How to get rid of rats page for helpful information and to learn more about Diseases caused by rat’s urine

Diseases caused by rat’s urine

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