Mole Trapping: How To Trap A Mole
Even if you aren't likely to see a mole that lives on your property, the chances are that you will notice its presence. Moles have a reputation for digging up everything on your property in search of food and this can mean a large mess for you. Prevention is always ideal since it will stop moles from entering your property in the first place. When that fails and a mole has already destroyed your garden, however, trapping will take care of the issue.
Lethal Trapping Vs Live Trapping
In the case of a damaging mole that won't leave your property, lethal trapping is commonly considered the best way to make sure they don't come back. Some people will suggest using live traps to catch moles, but this is less common. In fact, most experts will admit that the majority of live traps on the market will not successfully catch a mole. A professional can do this, but it requires some effort and training.
Trapping A Live Mole
Since live mole traps are rare, you frequently have to get creative if you want to humanely trap and relocate the animal. You can sit down somewhere near their tunnel to watch their movement. You can then use shovels or similar items to strategically block the mole's tunnel on either side and trap it within a small area. At this point, a professional can remove the mole for you or you can relocate it yourself. Anytime you plan on relocating a mole, however, be sure to check local regulations first.
Types Of Kill Traps
Since you won't find any live traps designed to catch moles, kill traps are the most common option. There are three main varieties that you can choose from. Spear traps should be set on the top of an active tunnel that runs across the surface. Start by squishing the tunnel down with your feet, then put the spear trap on the dirt so the trigger pan is against the dirt. As the mole goes through its tunnel, it will push up to open the squashed area, triggering the pan and making the spears go down to impale the mole, killing it.
You also set scissor traps on top of an active tunnel along the surface. Set these up so the blades are along the ground with on either side of the tunnel. As the mole goes through its tunnel, the trap will be triggered and pull the blades together, instantly killing the mole.
A final type of lethal mole trap is the paper clip trap which is a body clamp trap. You set these within the tunnel itself and typically do so in pairs so they are back to back. The mole will crawl through its tunnel like normal and eventually hit a pin that holds the trap open. The pin will then slip so the trap closes and kills the mole.
Using Traps
Mole traps work well because these animals have a natural instinct to open up any obstructed passageway. That means that the mole will push their way through a tunnel and push up on the trap, tripping it. Although many kill traps are messy, they are very effective and will kill the mole instantly, providing a humane option.
Because of the way mole traps work, you don't actually need to use any bait at all. Instead, the mole will trigger the trap as it naturally burrows through its tunnel, saving you a great deal of effort.
Placing The Traps
To successfully trap and kill a mole, trap placement is key. You will want to double check that the tunnel or mound you place the trap in is active. To do this, simply walk on top of a tunnel to flatten it. If it is active, the mole will make it so the tunnel rises back up. Once you notice this sign, you are ready to place the trap.
The ideal tunnel will be one that is very active as opposed to sometimes active. Many experts also suggest opting for a tunnel next to the sidewalk, house, or other straight edge as they are more likely to be used regularly. Tunnels that wind more may simply be feeding tunnels that the mole used once.
Hiring A Professional
Unless you know what you are doing, then trapping a mole can be very challenging. You will have to understand how to select the ideal tunnel based on activity level. You will also need to correctly set up the trap and choose which type to use. After trapping the mole, you have to safely remove the carcass and dispose of it according to your local regulations, which vary. A professional has experience with all of these things so they can be a great resource, letting you trap and remove the mole quickly without injuring any pets.
Read the How to get rid of moles page for helpful information and to learn more about Mole Trapping: How To Trap A Mole